
27 Jul


by Ernesto Gillman / Uruguay, Argentina / 2023

19:30 / Sala Zitarrosa


Juan and Olga produce tomatoes, milk, bell peppers, cheese, meat. Chacra is a documentary film portraying the transforming work they do in their environment and their bonding love. This circle of life contains the sacrifice of the animal or plant, for food. Away from nature’s rhythms and processes, our modern culture tends to forget this unity.

Director: Ernesto Gillman / Producer: Pedro Barcia / Production company: Verde Audiovisual, Nadador Cine, Animista Cine, Produce Bs As. / Executive production: Pedro Barcia, Juan José López, Germán Ormaechea, Pablo Doudchitzky y Ernesto Gillman / Cinematography: Arauco Hernández / Edition: Guillermo Madeiro / Music: Daniel Yafalian

Country: Uruguay, Argentina / Year: 2023 / Duration: 70

Awards and festivals:

Pre-premiere in Uruguay

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