DocMontevideo 2017 edition. Click here to visit current edition

Documentary week

Documentary Week is a DocMontevideo space for showing films. Every day a new film will be presented by its director or team member and shown. At the end of each film showing is held a participative dialogue between the film makers and members of the audience.

In the intense now

João Moreira Salles / Brazil / 2017 / 127 minutes


Filmed after the discovery of film material recorded in China in 1966 during the early stages of the Cultural Revolution, No intenso agora speaks of the ephemeral nature of the most intense moments. The scenes shot in that country are combined with archive footage of the 1968 events in France, Czechoslovakia and Brazil. Keeping the tradition of the cinema essay and narrated in the first person, in addition to reflecting on the images, the documentary seeks to analyze who films them, why they do it and what their political context. What can be said about Paris, Prague, Rio de Janeiro or Beijing looking at the images of that period?

Director: João Moreira Salles / Producer: João Moreira Salles / Production company: Videofilmes / International sales: Videofilmes

Country: Brazil / Year: 2017 / Duration: 127 minutes / Format: BluRay

Awards and festivals:

Best Film SCAM and Best Soundtrack at Cinéma du Réel Festival, Berlin Film Festival, BAFICI, It’s All True, EDOC Festival, DocAviv Film Festival


By the yoke

Sofía Betarte / Uruguay / 2017 / 63 minutes


“By the yoke” shows us two families of waste recyclers trying to move on after losing their working tools, which they use for picking up garbage: their horses. Consigned to the margins of Montevideo city, in the intimacy of their homes and through their daily struggle, we meet this moving people, that push their lives uphill, with dignity, a profound optimism and perseverance.

Director: Sofía Betarte / Producer: Pancho Magnou / Production company: Montelona Cine / International sales: Pancho Magnou

Country: Uruguay / Year: 2017 / Duration: 63 minutes / Format: Full HD


After the exhibition, open dialogue with:

Sofía Betarte Zabala

Sofía Betarte (Uruguay) nació en Suecia en 1982 and vive en Uruguay desde 1987. Allí estudió Comunicación Audiovisual and en el 2012 cursó Construcción Del Documental en la EICTV de San Antonio de los Baños. Es trabajadora independiente en el sector audiovisual and actualmente ha finalizado su opera prima “Tracción a sangre”, premiado por el ICAU en 2014 and por MVD Socio Audiovisual en 2016.


Manuel Abramovich / Argentina / 2017 / 73 minutes


A 19-year-old boy decides to join the army. From that day, his life changes completely: he is assigned the drum post in the military band and his new routine combines war training with musical rehearsals. “Soldado” portrays the transformation of a village teenager into an adult full of uncertainties and contradictions and explores the construction of subjectivity in this institution.

Director: Manuel Abramovich / Producer: Gema Juárez Allen, Alejandra Grinschpun / Production company: Gema Films / International sales: Gema Films

Country: Argentina / Year: 2017 / Duration: 73 minutes / Format: DCP

Awards and festivals:

Berlin Film Festival, Guadalajara International Film Festival, Panama International Film Festival, Cinema Look – Curitiba International Film Festival


After the exhibition, open dialogue with:

Sofía Straface

Sofía Straface (Argentina). Se formó en el ENERC-INCAA and trabaja como sonidista desde 2010. Se especializó en edición de diálogos and foley. Forma parte de la Asociación Argentina de Sonidistas Audiovisuales (ASA). Entre sus trabajos como Directora de sonido se encuentran el cortometraje LA REINA de Manuel Abramovich, por el que recibió una mención especial al sonido en UNASUR CINE and el premio sonido en VII Janela Internacional de Cinema do Recife.

My body is political

Alice Riff / Brazil / 2017 / 72 minutes


My Body is Political talks about the everyday life of four transgender people who live in poor neighborhoods in São Paulo. The narrative is developed with a mix of their intimate lives and broader social context, raising questions about the brazilian transgender community and their political disputes.

Director: Alice Riff / Producer: Thaisa Valadão / Production company: Studio Riff / International sales: Alice Riff

Country: Brazil / Year: 2017 / Duration: 72 minutes / Format: MOV, DCP, ProRes

Awards and festivals:

Best Brazilian Feature Film – Look at the Cinema, Visions du Reel – Regard Neud Competition, BAFICI, Look at the Cinema of Curitiba – New Looks, Torino LGBT Film Festival


After the exhibition, open dialogue with:

Alice Riff

Alice Riff, 1984, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Se graduó en Cinema and Ciências Sociales (FAAP, USP). En 2017 estrena su primer largometraje documental, “Mi cuerpo es político” (Visions du Reel – Regard Neuf; BAFICI- Human Rights Competition). Dirigió los cortos premiados: Let’s Dance Invisible Orchestra (19’, 2016), 100% Bolivian, Bro (13’, 2014); Freestyle City (19’, 2013).

Devil's Freedom

Everardo González / Mexico / 2017 / 74 minutes


This is a psychological documentary that penetrates the minds of the protagonists of violence, both victims and perpetrators, through interviews that erect the skin. We are partakers of the fears of those who suffer and those who cause death, so much death that shakes the very bowels of society.

Director: Everardo González / Producer: Roberto Garza, Inna Payán / Production company: Animal de Luz, Artegios / International sales: Films Boutique

Country: Mexico / Year: 2017 / Duration: 74 minutes / Format: DCP, BluRay

Awards and festivals:

Best Mexican Film, Best Latin American Documentary – Guadalajara International Film Festival; Amnesty International Award – Berlin International Film Festival, Cinélatino- Rencontres de Toulouse, AFI Doc Film Festival, Ambulante Film Festival


When the Guns Go Silent

Natalia Orozco / Colombia, France / 2017 / 120 minutes


After half a century of war and 8 million victims, the FARC, the oldest guerrilla in the world, agree to start a peace dialogue with its historic enemy: the Colombian State. Together they fight the toughest battle, the final one: the battle for peace.

Director: Natalia Orozco / Producer: Natalia Orozco, Christine Camdessus, Serge Gordey, Julián Giraldo / Production company: Pulso Mundo (Colombia), Alegria Productions (France), RCNTV (Colombia) / International sales: Cineplex

Country: Colombia, France / Year: 2017 / Duration: 120 minutes / Format: HD

Awards and festivals:

Cartagena de Indias International Film Festival, Cinéatatino Rencontres de Toulouse, Colombian Film Festival Berlin: “Panorama Colombia”, DocsBarcelona


After the exhibition, open dialogue with:

Natalia Orozco

Natalia Orozco, Colombia, documentalista and periodista, Directora and Guionista de documentales and reportajes periodísticos de investigación sobre temas internacionales and de Human Rights entre ellos: Guantánamo ¿hasta cuando? (2011) and Gitanos, ciudadanos sin patria (2013), así como el documental “Benghazi, más allá del frente armado”. Ganadora dos años del Premio Nacional de Periodismo Simón Bolivar (2010 and 2012)


Vincent Carelli, co-directed by Tita and Ernesto de Carvalho / Brazil / 2016 / 162 minutes


The great reclaiming march for the sacred Guarani Kaiowá territories through Vincent Carelli’s filming, who recorded the birthplace of the movement in the 1980s. Twenty years later, touched by the successive massacres reports, Carelli searches the origins of this genocide, a conflict of disproportionate forces: the peaceful and obstinate insurgency of the dispossessed Guarani Kaiowá against the powerful apparatus of agribusiness.

Director: Vincent Carelli, co-directed by Tita and Ernesto de Carvalho / Producer: Olívia Sabino / Production company: Papo Amarelo, Vídeo nas Aldeias / International sales: Rafaella Ruiz

Country: Brazil / Year: 2016 / Duration: 162 minutes / Format: DCP, AppleProRes, H264

Awards and festivals:

Best Film Audience Award and Special Jury Prize – 49th Brasilia Film Festival, Best Brazilian Documentary – 40th São Paulo International Film Festival, Best Latin American Feature at 31st Mar del Plata International Film Festival; 14th FesCine Amazônia, 13th Ivinhema Valley Film Festival, Aldeia SP – Indigenous Cinema Biennial, 18th Kinoarte Cinema Festival, XII International Panorama Cinema Thing, Cinéma du Réel, San Cristóbal de las Casas International Film Festival, PLANET .doc Festival


Memory Exercises

Paz Encina / Argentina, Paraguay, France, Germany, Qatar / 2016 / 72 minutes


Between 1954 and 1989, Paraguay suffered one of the longest dictatorships in latin America. Agustín Goiburú, the most important political opponent to the Stroessner regime, disappeared in 1976 in Paraná, Argentina, where he was exiled. 35 years later, his three children, come back to the place of exile… A come back to their memory. This is how we begin an intimate memory exercise, telling the story of a whole country.

Director: Paz Encina / Producer: Constanza Sanz Palacios / Production company: El Silencio Cine, Constanza Sanz Palacios Films, MPM Film, Autentika Films, Doha Film Institute / International sales: MPM Film

Country: Argentina, Paraguay, France, Germany, Qatar / Year: 2016 / Duration: 72 minutes / Format: DCP

Awards and festivals:

Best Director, Best Film – Cartagena International Film Festival; San Sebastian International Film Festival, Havana Film Festival, MoMa, Thessaloniki Documentary Festival, Guadalajara International Film Festival, Cinéma du Réel, Filming in Latin America, Brasilia International Film Festival, International Film Festival Of Sao Paulo.


After the exhibition, open dialogue with:

Paz Encina

Paz Encina (Paraguay). Nacida en Asunción, la cineasta and guionista Paz Encina estudió en la Universidad del Cine de Buenos Aires. Dirigió varios cortometrajes and con su debut en largo, “Hamaca paraguaya” (2006), recibió el Premio FIPRESCI en el Festival de Cannes.


Pau Ortiz / Spain, Mexico / 2017 / 68 minutes


Ale (18) and Rocio’s (13) relationship is faced with the greatest challenge possible when their mother is imprisoned under dubious charges. They have to act as father and mother to their two younger siblings.Initially they promise to help each other and keep their family together until their mother is released. But as undocumented Honduran immigrants their right to live, work and study in Mexico was already under threat.

Director: Pau Ortiz / Producer: María Nova López, Emiliano Altuna, Tatiana García, Carlos Rossini / Production company: Intactes - Bambú Audiovisual / International sales: Intactes Film

Country: Spain, Mexico / Year: 2017 / Duration: 68 minutes / Format: Apple ProRes

Awards and festivals:

Best International Feature Film – HotDocs, Jury Special Mention – Málaga Festival, Latitude Prize – DocBarcelona; Ambulance Festival


After the exhibition, open dialogue with:

Pau Ortiz

Pau Ortiz (Spain) es director de documentales and montador. Tras especializarse en dirección de documental en la Escuela de Cine Cataluña (ESCAC) obtuvo una beca en la Escuela de Cine Quebec. Su estilo se caracteriza por su fascinación sobre las relaciones humanas. Como director, siempre intenta capturar el ángulo humano de las cosas. Su pasión es contar Historys que empoderan a sus personajes and promueven un cambio social.

The (im)possible oblivion

Andrés Habegger / Argentina, Mexico, Brazil / 2016 / 86 minutes


A father kidnapped and disappeared in Brazil in 1978. A political activist, almost a hero victim of Latin America´s military violence during the 70s. A child who lived with this absence most of his life. A story of forgetfulness. A present filled with history.

Director: Andrés Habegger / Producer: Felicitas Raffo, Andrés Longares, Andrés Habegger / Production company: Cepa Audiovisual / International sales: Primer Plano Film Group

Country: Argentina, Mexico, Brazil / Year: 2016 / Duration: 86 minutes / Format: DCP, BluRay

Awards and festivals:

DocBuenosAires (Argentina), É tudo verdade (Brazil)


After the exhibition, open dialogue with:

Andrés Habegger

Andrés Habegger (Argentina) estudió Cs de la Comunicación – UBA and Dirección Cinematográfica en CERC (INCAA). Dirigió los documentales “(h) Historys cotidianas”, “Cuando los santos vienen marchando”, “Imagen Final”, el film colectivo “D-humanos” and “Cirquera”, codirigido con Diana Rutkus. Participó también de diversos largometrajes colectivos.

The grown-ups

Maite Alberdi / Chile, Netherlands, France, Colombia / 2016 / 82 minutes


A group of friends with Down syndrome have attended the same school for over 40 years, they’re aging and they have not been allowed to live adulthood on their own.

Director: Maite Alberdi / Producer: Maite Alberdi / Production company: Micromundo Producciones / International sales: Micromundo Producciones

Country: Chile, Netherlands, France, Colombia / Year: 2016 / Duration: 82 minutes / Format: DCP

Awards and festivals:

EDA Award Best Female Director Film – IDFA 2016, Zeno Mountain Award – Miami International Film Festival 2017, Best Latin American Film – É Tudo Verdade 2017, TV3 Best Film Award – DocsBarcelona 2017; Sydney Film Festival, DocvilleFonk, Hot Docs, Doc Lounge Scandinavia, Time Documentary Festival, Visions du Réel, Edinburgh Film Festival, London Film Festival, Sheffield Doc / Fest, Cleveland Film Festival, Full Frame Documentary, False, Cartagena Film Festival, FICG Guadalajara, Cinélatino Rencoe Cine de Cartagena , FICG Guadalajara, Cinélatino Rencontres de Toulouse, BAFICI.


After the exhibition, open dialogue with:

Maite Alberdi

Directora chilena.El 2011 estrenó su primer largometraje El salvavidas con alto reconocimiento internacional. Con La Once ha obtenido más de 12 premios internacionales, and fue nominada al Goya como Mejor Película iberoamericana. El 2016 su corto Yo no soy de aquí fue nominado a los European Film Awards and obtuvo 15 premios. El 2017 estrena Los niños, que ya se ha exhibido en más de 80 festivales con varios reconocimientos.

Alternate realities

Sheffield Doc/Fest and British Council presents Alternate Realities. An Exhibition of interactive and virtual reality films from around the world.


Gonzalo Álvarez / United States / 2016 / 5' / English, Spanish


A political art game simulating the dangers Mexican immigrants face crossing the Border. Death is permanent, leaving behind a skeleton in the Mexican desert for future players to see.

Director: Gonzalo Álvarez / Producer: Genaro Reyes, Jon DiGiacomo, Gonzalo Álvarez / International sales: Gonzalo Alvarez,

Country: United States / Year: 2016 / Duration: 5' / Format: Game / Language: English, Spanish / Suggested age: All ages


DeathTolls Experience

Ali Eslami / Iran, Netherlands / 2016 / 9' / English, Spanish


A virtual journey from the refugee crisis in Europe to the bloodbath in Syria, placing the dry ‘data reality’ of the news in an emotional perspective.

Director: Ali Eslami / Producer: Ali Eslami / Music: Nima Pourkarimi / International sales: Ali Eslami,

Country: Iran, Netherlands / Year: 2016 / Duration: 9' / Format: VR Installation / Language: English, Spanish / Suggested age: 13+


Future Aleppo

Marshmallow Laser Feast, Alex Pearson / United Kingdom, Turkey / 2017 / 5' / English, Spanish


As bombs fell on Aleppo, 13 year old Mohammed lovingly built paper versions of his city’s fallen landmarks. Explore Mohammed’s interactive paper model, or enter VR to walk the streets of a lifesize version of the model, enriched with recordings of Mohammed’s stories and memories of the city.

Director: Marshmallow Laser Feast, Alex Pearson / Producer: Zahra Mackaoui, Eleanor Whitley, Alex Pearson / International sales: Alex Pearson,

Country: United Kingdom, Turkey / Year: 2017 / Duration: 5' / Format: VR Installation / Language: English, Spanish / Suggested age: 13+


In My Shoes: Intimacy

Jane Gauntlett / United Kingdom / 2017 / 10' / English, Spanish


A 360° experience (for two people) which explores human connection. Put aside your inhibitions and let strangers guide you through their impromptu, unconventional, and intense moments of intimacy.

Director: Jane Gauntlett / International sales: Jane Gauntlett,

Country: United Kingdom / Year: 2017 / Duration: 10' / Format: VR Installation / Language: English, Spanish / Suggested age: 16+


Munduruku: The Fight to Defend the Heart of the Amazon

Grace Boyle, James Manisty / United Kingdom, Brazil / 2017 / 14' / English, Portuguese, Spanish


Combining cutting edge virtual reality filmmaking and multi-sensory storytelling, immerse yourself in the lives and struggle of the Munduruku Indigenous People deep in the heart of the Amazon rainforest.

Director: Grace Boyle, James Manisty / Producer: Pete Speller / Cinematography: James Aldred / Edition: Richard Lester / Sound: Gabriella Scanio / International sales: Pete Speller,

Country: United Kingdom, Brazil / Year: 2017 / Duration: 14' / Format: VR Installation / Language: English, Portuguese, Spanish / Suggested age: 13+

Planet ∞

Momoko Seto / France / 2017 / 5' / No dialogue


In a world in ruins, only fungi and mold grow in the middle of gigantic dried insects bodies. When a weather change occurs, rain irrigates the arid planet and floods it gradually. In the water springs an ecosystem, populated by giant carnivorous tadpoles.

Director: Momoko Seto / Producer: Francois Martin Saint Léon , ARTE FRANCE / International sales: François Martin Saint Léon,

Country: France / Year: 2017 / Duration: 5' / Format: VR Installation / Language: No dialogue / Suggested age: All ages

Step to the Line

Ricardo Laganaro / United States, Brazil / 2017 / 11' / English, Spanish


Shot entirely on location in maximum security prisons, Step to the Line aims to provoke a transformation in the spectator’s eyes about prisoners, the prison system, and even themselves.

Director: Ricardo Laganaro / Producer: Amy Seidenwurm, Paula Cuneo, Joanne Sprague / Cinematography: João Padua / Edition: Sabrina Wilkins / Music: Janecy Nascimento, Felipe Vassão / International sales: Ricardo Laganaro,

Country: United States, Brazil / Year: 2017 / Duration: 11' / Format: VR for mobile devices / Language: English, Spanish / Suggested age: 13+


Owain Rich, Charlie Newland / United Kingdom, Mexico / 2016 / 8' / English, Spanish


Trafficked is an animated documentary based on interviews conducted with ‘Maria’, a woman who spent 8 years in forced prostitution after being taken from her home in Nicaragua. Step into Maria’s shoes and face the reality of trafficking and forced prostitution first hand.

Director: Owain Rich, Charlie Newland / Producer: Lourdes Heredia, Owain Rich, Charlie Newland / International sales: Charlie Newland,

Country: United Kingdom, Mexico / Year: 2016 / Duration: 8' / Format: VR Installation / Language: English, Spanish / Suggested age: 18+


Tell Me Your Secrets

Michael Orwell / United Kingdom / 2016 / 25' / English, Spanish


An interactive graphic novel that describes a desperate scientific mission during WWII which started Britain’s enduring alliance with the USA. Tell Me Your Secrets imagines the consequences had the meetings ended differently.

Director: Michael Orwell / Producer: Diarmuid Mitchell / International sales: Michael Orwell,

Country: United Kingdom / Year: 2016 / Duration: 25' / Format: History Interactiva / Language: English, Spanish / Suggested age: All ages
